I find that people are always giving the British summertime a bad name – but I have so many amazing memories from home in the summer! We would have BBQ’s almost every weekend during the holidays (thankfully both my parents were teachers and therefore we got a full 6 weeks off as a family each year!) Anyway … this sauce tastes like HOME to me. Its nothing like a typical American BBQ sauce (but what is typical? As each state has its own delicious version!!).
I hope you try this as a marinade or as a basting sauce for your next BBQ for a slightly different experience!
The Best BBQ Marinade!
Prep Time: 5-10 mins
Serves: approx. 2 cups of sauce.
- 4 TBSP Clear Honey
- 3 TBSP soy sauce
- 3 TBSP Tomato Sauce (Ketchup works!)
- 4 TBSP Wine Vinegar
- Juice of 1 orange
- Few drops of tobassco or other hot sauce.
- 4 crushed garlic cloves
- 0.5 tsp mustard
- 0.5 tsp of paprika
- salt and pepper to taste
- Stir all ingredients together in a Pyrex jug or bowl until well combined
- You can use this sauce as a marinade to give your meat a really fresh taste or you can:
- Brush onto meat or kabobs (click here http://www.ivgreenhouse.com/pork-kabobs/to see one of our favorite recipes for this sauce!) or anything your bbq-ing before grilling and add a little extra after grilling too!