Berry Beet Smoothie

This Berry Beet Smoothie is just what you need today. Happy Hump Day!

Smoothie Week – Day Three 🙋

This week is all about eating and drinking the rainbow and this one is my favorite color!! The vibrancy of Beetroot amazes me. It has done since I was as young as I can remember. Being partly Polish, Borscht ( A beetroot based soup) was high on our home menu and I couldn’t be more thankful that it was. Beetroot has to be one of my favorite things in life. Its color, taste and how versatile it is are just some of its assets!

I ate waaaaaaay too many pickled beetroot as a child. 

Beetroot’s Health benefits are abundant – they include a crazy amount of antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. Consuming Beets stimulate your blood vessels which in turn increases your  blood flow (perfect before a workout!), they also help increase your energy! So quick, if you feel like your lagging today – grab a beet smoothie and take it to work or to the gym! This smoothie is also Vegan, gluten free and delicious for everyone to enjoy! 

As always, let us know what you think, especially if you notice an increase in your energy levels! 💚


Berry Beet Smoothie

Berry Beet

Berry Beet Smoothie

Berry Beet Smoothie
Serves 1
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  1. 1 cup coconut milk
  2. 1 banana - sliced
  3. 1 medium beet - peeled and sliced
  4. 1 cup strawberries - halved
  5. 1 cup blueberries
  1. Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth!
IVGreenhouse - Exploring Food

March 7, 2017
March 9, 2017


1 Comment

  1. Reply


    March 9, 2017

    Beetroooot, yum! Love that colour!

Let us know what you think!

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Hey! I’m Naomi, the photographer & recipe developer behind The IVGreenhouse Page! Whether you’re here for the food photography or the family recipes, please explore the site & let me know your thoughts!