Caramelized Onions … so good, too good in fact. They are the first thing I choose to put on my burger, every time – because, really, what is a burger without caramelized onions!!?? I could just eat them with a spoon, but I think I would get a few strange looks eating that for Lunch! But here is my recipe for super easy caramelized onions that you can make whilst doing other jobs around the house!

Caramelized Balsamic Onions
2016-06-13 15:35:46

Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
45 min
Total Time
50 min
- 4 onions - thinly sliced
- 0/25 cup balsamic vinegar
- 0.25 cup butter
- Slice your onions
- Heat the butter in your large pan/skillet over a medium/low heat
- Add your onions once the butter is completely melted.
- Stir your onions so that they are all equally coated with butter
- Keep your pan on low and stir your onions every 5-10 minutes for approximately 45 minutes in total.
- Don't worry about all the stuff that builds up on the bottom of the pan - just keep scraping it each time you stir your onions.
- Once the 45 minutes are up you can remove your onions from the heat & add in your balsamic vinegar and give it a good stir - this should de-glaze your pan and make sure all the good stuff is mixed in with the onions.
- Let them sit for 5 minutes until all vinegar has been absorbed.
- Put them in a serving dish and enjoy on your next burger or favorite dish!
IVGreenhouse - Exploring Food https://www.ivgreenhouse.com/