Chocolate Negroni

Oh Hi 3 Year Anniversary again! 💚

Now, it’s time for the Boys! (Or the Negroni loving girls out there too!) This Chocolate Negroni is Allen’s choice for his Anniversary cocktail of the weekend! It combines his love for Negroni’s and my love of chocolate, so really, you can’t go wrong here! 

Allen always buys me a single red rose for any anniversary – be it one month, 20 months or this time, three years. For this I feel very lucky. Especially when he remembers something I haven’t – that we should be celebrating! We are two people who are always ready to celebrate, we can celebrate a Tuesday like no other! This may have something to do with living in New York City, or it may be because we both work in hospitality and we always seem to be celebrating something or someone with an event or party! 

This past year has just flown by, to be honest all three years of married life have flown, I guess it is true what they say. Time really does fly when you’re having fun and boy have we had fun! I can’t even begin to describe all the amazing things that we have accomplished together, some of them are teeny tiny and some are huge to us. Every single one of them though holds a special place in our hearts. If we had to pick a favorite part of our third year together, we think it would have to be picking up our amazing & funny pup Pimms. Closely followed by our August trip – not naming any “best bits” … but COSTA RICA was insane. 

Well, you can be sure that we will be enjoying this weekend to its fullest. This cocktail will be easing us into our Saturday evening plans. Let us know yours 😘

Chocolate Negroni Hearts

Chocolate Negroni Rose

Chocolate Negroni
Serves 1
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  1. 0.75 oz. Campari
  2. 0.75 oz. Sweet Vermouth
  3. 0.5 oz. Gin
  4. 0.25 oz. creme de cacao
  5. 3 dashes of chocolate bitters
  1. Stir all ingredients together with a large ice cube until chilled
  2. Serve!
IVGreenhouse - Exploring Food

February 25, 2017
February 27, 2017



  1. Reply


    February 26, 2017

    Happy Anniversary! Cute drink!

    • Reply

      Naomi Green

      February 27, 2017

      Thank you Chlo!! 💚

Let us know what you think!

About Us

Hey! I’m Naomi, the photographer & recipe developer behind The IVGreenhouse Page! Whether you’re here for the food photography or the family recipes, please explore the site & let me know your thoughts!