Drunken Zoodles! – A healthy take on the drunken noodles found in Asian establishments here in the city! – They get their name for two reasons – firstly, its a meal that is supposed to be eaten with a Beer in hand (probably to calm the spices if you put too much in!) and secondly its supposed to be a great dish to cure a hangover! Whilst I have never tried it for a cure, I’m sure it would work as it is delicious! But for us, this dish is a new favorite and it will definitely become a weeknight staple! Go try it now…yummmmmm!!

Drunken Zoodles
2016-06-07 13:01:48

Serves 4
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
30 min
- 5 Zucchini (4 peeled into strips) (1 chopped into pieces)
- 3 Hot Finger peppers chopped and deseeded.
- 6 mushrooms sliced or quartered
- Half a Red Onion sliced into strips
- 4 chicken thighs chopped into bite size pieces
For the Sauce
- 2 tbsp toasted sesame oil
- 1 tbsp fish sauce
- 3 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tbsp sweet rice wine
- 0.5 lime squeezed
- 1 clove garlic crushed
- 1 tsp finely chopped ginger
- 1 tsp fresh black pepper
- Mix all the sauce ingredients together and let it sit while you prep your veggies.
- Prep all veggies ready to sauté.
- heat a large pan or skillet with 2 tbsp sesame oil and throw in your chicken pieces, stir with wooden spoon.
- When these are half cooked, add in your zucchini pieces (not strips!) & red onion, let this cook for another 30 seconds, then add in your mushrooms & red hot finger peppers.
- Stir so that all are cooked evenly.
- In another saucepan heat a tbsp butter and a tbsp sesame oil - add your zucchini strips and move them about with tongs until evenly cooked and turn off the heat.
- Add your sauce (3/4 to the chicken & vegetables pan & 1/4 to the zucchini noddles pan)
- Combine until thoroughly mixed and then plat it up and serve!!
- You can use less peppers for less spice!
IVGreenhouse - Exploring Food https://www.ivgreenhouse.com/