Ginny White

Hello Spring! 🌤 We see you trying to pop out! 

The Ginny White cocktail is for sure going to be a spring to summer staple for us. It is so deliciously light and refreshing and there is nothing better than sipping a chilled beer on a warm day. This cocktail has all the best bits PLUS chilled beer. 

I’m not quite sure that we’re ‘skipping into spring’ as the quote goes, but we’re slowly and surely getting there and that’s better than not at all! The sun has been shining while the temperatures are still in the 30’s. Sunshine really does make all the difference. People are happier, there are far more faces wandering around central park at all hours and the runners are out in force! The tourists are beginning to come by the pack and the food carts are thriving. 

I didn’t used to think much of Spring, I always thought that Summer & Winter had more to offer than the ‘middle’ seasons as I called them. However, now they may just be my favorite. The fall brings all those vivid colors and everything looks so enchanting. The Spring on the other hand brings freshness, a lightness to life. All of the green coming through, the flowers, the new seasonal produce. It all creates such a wonderful feeling – a new start, given to us my Mother Nature herself. I think every year makes us wiser and more appreciative of all the magnificent natural things around us. 

This cocktail incorporates Monkey 47 gin (my favorite for sure), aperol (for a little bitterness), artisanal ginger syrup (for sweet & sharp notes) & Allagash White Beer – Allen’s new favorite of the season (Or a similar beer of your choice). The fizz gives it a refreshing and citrussy taste while the aperol makes sure it’s not too sweet. The ginger syrup adds a bite but also a sweetness and the gin gives it it’s springy floral notes. 

We love this cocktail, it is simple and delightful and we hope you enjoy sipping it as we ‘skip’ into Spring 💚

Ginny White
Serves 1
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  1. 0.75 oz. Monkey 47 gin (or similar)
  2. 0.5 aperol
  3. 1 tsp. ginger syrup
  4. Allagash White (or similar) Beer
  5. Rosemary Sprig
  1. Put gin, aperol & ginger syrup in a shaker with ice and shake until chilled
  2. Strain into a rocks glass filled with ice
  3. Top with Beer
  4. Serve with a Sprig of Rosemary
IVGreenhouse - Exploring Food

March 17, 2017
March 22, 2017


1 Comment

  1. Reply


    March 23, 2017

    Ginny White and I just became friends!😉 No more Rose all day- I’m switching to this! Great post and thanks for sharing!

Let us know what you think!

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Hey! I’m Naomi, the photographer & recipe developer behind The IVGreenhouse Page! Whether you’re here for the food photography or the family recipes, please explore the site & let me know your thoughts!