Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken

This chicken is just 💯

It tastes like home, summer & awesome memories. I have a July birthday and every year without fail I would request a BBQ for my birthday. Mainly for this sauce. We put this BBQ sauce on EVERYTHING from chicken to beef burgers to vegetables – you name it, it had this sauce all over it. 

The sauce is made up of such great ingredients, orange, honey, soy sauce, tomato etc etc. All flavors are accounted for and you can taste each one individually and perfectly together at the same time 🙌. 

Eating outside is one of my favorite activities. It was back home and it still is here. That first day of summer where the tables are on the sidewalks in New York is probably our favorite day of the year. At home, it was the first day we could hang outside all day and beg not to come back in until the sun went down. In Virginia it’s when we can grill a whole box of oysters or pick a bushel of crabs with the family. Amazing memories, all outdoors. 

Let’s talk about this Chicken for a second…👌

We get our chickens from Shenandoah Valley Organic and they are without doubt the BEST. One of the greatest things about the chicken we used for this recipe is that the hard work was done for us. This made the whole meal so much quicker to prepare and have on the table for everyone to devour (in seconds!). Another thing we LOVE are the standards and principles of the company as a whole, that you can check out here. I have always made sure to only buy ‘happy chickens’ as I like to call them. That goes for my eggs too! Not only do they taste better, but you can feel better knowing you are buying sustainable, healthy & happy products from healthy and happy families! 

If you haven’t already done so, you should check out their website and think about buying from them before you buy from any unknown source, especially all my Virginia people, y’all are so close! They are also now available through FreshDirect which makes the whole thing perfectly easy for us up here in New York! 🙌.

We hope you enjoy this Grilled Bbq chicken recipe and let us know your thoughts & your bbq’ing traditions! 💚

Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken

Grilled BBQ Chicken
Serves 4
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
40 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
40 min
  1. 1 whole chicken (Shenandoah Valley Organic 8 piece traditional cut up is our choice)
For the BBQ Sauce
  1. 4 TBSP Clear Honey
  2. 3 TBSP soy sauce
  3. 3 TBSP Tomato Sauce (Ketchup)
  4. 3 TBSP Wine Vinegar
  5. Juice of 1 orange
  6. Few drops of tobassco or other hot sauce.
  7. 4 crushed garlic cloves
  8. 0.5 tsp mustard
  9. 0.5 tsp of paprika
  10. salt and pepper to taste
  1. Preheat your Grill on High.
  2. Rinse and pat dry your chicken pieces.
  3. Stir all bbq sauce ingredients together with a whisk in a small bowl.
  4. Brush your chicken pieces with the Bbq sauce all over.
  5. Transfer chicken to grill, sear on high for 5 minutes on each side to get char marks and crispy skin.
  6. reduce the heat on your grill to low (or move to the non-flame part if using charcoal).
  7. Baste your chicken as many times as you like with the sauce - we did ours 4-5 times and then after they were finished for an extra kick!
  8. Put the lid down and allow to cook for a further 20 minutes - flipping after 10 for an even cook. (You can also remove the legs and wings at the 10 minute mark)
  9. Voila! Serve with your favorite bbq sides!
IVGreenhouse - Exploring Food

July 1, 2017
July 6, 2017


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Hey! I’m Naomi, the photographer & recipe developer behind The IVGreenhouse Page! Whether you’re here for the food photography or the family recipes, please explore the site & let me know your thoughts!