Kir Royale

It’s Christmas Eve Eve people!! This is either, your last day, second to last day or you are a trooper who’s working through Christmas, HOWEVER, everybody should make time for a Christmas Cocktail to celebrate making it through another year! So settle down to this one (Or one of the others I will be posting from now until NYE!) and get comfortable, you deserve it!

So a lot of people ask around this time of year what other people’s favorite cocktails are for the festive season…One of my all time favorites is the Kir Royale. It is such a simple cocktail and it combines two of my very favorite things – Blackcurrants & Champagne! (Also, it could almost pass as Ribena Champagne…which, well…theres no way to go wrong there…is there?) If you know me, you know that Champagne is one of my main food (or drink?) groups and if there is a way to make this wonderful beverage a little bit more special & festive, this is certainly it. An idea from a friend was to garnish this beauty with pomegranate seeds & mint leaves for the festive season, and my goodness, it couldn’t look any better! This is the perfect welcome drink for any cocktail party – if you have a second, make this year a little cozier by offering a little Kir before Dinner. 

Kir Royale
Serves 1
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  1. 1 tbsp. Creme de Cassis
  2. Champagne
  3. Optional to Garnish: Pomegranate Seeds & Mint Leaves
  1. Pour a tbsp. of Creme de Cassis into a champagne flute
  2. Top with Champagne
  3. Garnish with Pomegranate seeds & mint leaves
  4. Serve, sip & enjoy!
IVGreenhouse - Exploring Food

December 16, 2016
December 24, 2016


1 Comment

  1. Reply


    December 24, 2016

    Ohh Nomes, those photos…so beautiful! And haha Ribena champagne! And yesss I’m a trouper…! Merry Christmas!

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Hey! I’m Naomi, the photographer & recipe developer behind The IVGreenhouse Page! Whether you’re here for the food photography or the family recipes, please explore the site & let me know your thoughts!